With dentures, you can maintain your smile and other oral functions even after losing teeth. However, dentures require extra care and maintenance to preserve their quality and to enhance durability. Failing to maintain your dentures may lead to infections, bleeding gums, pain and foul odour. Once you realise that your dentures are faulty, you should never hesitate to visit a reputable denture repair clinic. Here are critical signs you may need emergency denture repairs.
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Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gum disease in which bacteria attacks the tissue below the gum line, leading to inflammation, pain, and in some cases even tooth loss. Here are just a few periodontal treatment options that dentists use to halt and reverse the progression of this condition.
1. Improved Oral Hygiene
If you show signs of the early stages of periodontal disease, your dentist will likely start by addressing your oral hygiene routine.
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If your gums or teeth are in pain, you will undoubtedly make a dental appointment for treatment. However, if you're all smiles with no pain, the temptation to assume everything is fine is quite strong. While life can be busy, you should never compromise on a dental appointment. Going for your regular checkups could be the difference between debilitating pain and tip-top oral health. Here are 5 reasons why you should always go for dental check-ups.
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Cosmetic dentistry is a growing branch of dentistry that includes all those treatments undertaken to improve the appearance of a person's teeth or improve their bite.
These services include:
Teeth Whitening: One of the easiest ways of improving one's smile is to go through a teeth whitening procedure. Many people opt to whiten their teeth using over-the-counter whitening treatments; however, they are unaware of the adverse effects of these over-the-counter treatments on their teeth, including damage to teeth enamel.
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