A dental crown is a porcelain or ceramic cap that fits over an existing tooth to improve its appearance or provide protection. Here are five situations in which dentists use dental crowns to treat common dental issues.
1. When a Filling Isn't Enough
When bacteria enter a tooth through a worn or eroded section of enamel, they can cause decay inside the tooth. In most situations, inserting a filling into the tooth is enough to block the hole in the enamel and keep the bacteria out.
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The majority of toothpastes available to buy today contain fluoride, but a small number of natural toothpastes are advertised as fluoride-free. You might be wondering whether these toothpastes offer a benefit for your teeth or your overall health. Here are some facts to help you decide.
Fluoride Prevents Tooth Decay
Teeth constantly face attack from acids in food and drink, which break down tooth enamel. Teeth are capable of repairing damage to their enamel but only if they have the minerals they need to carry out the repair.
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As a senior citizen, you're bound to come across tooth loss at some point. Older people are prone to gum disease, tooth decay and dental trauma, which makes it even more critical for you to take care of your teeth.
Dental implants are one of the most effective solutions when replacing missing teeth. As you continue to age, gaps in your dental formula will accumulate plaque and promote the tooth decay process.
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One of the mistakes that you should avoid making when you get your dentures is neglecting to go in for regular visits at your dentist's office. That you no longer need to see a dentist once you have your dentures is a misconception that you will do best not to buy into.
1. Checking On Your Oral Health
Even without dentures, your oral health will always be a priority for your dentist.
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Examination of broken bones and fractures are the more known applications of x-rays. Other effective applications are in the dentist's office. Dental x-rays provide a non-invasive and painless diagnostic tool. From the imaging produced, the dentist can choose treatment and employ further preventative measures.
Here are some common uses of x-rays in the general dentistry field.
Monitoring Teeth Development
Tooth development, especially in older children and teens, is an important milestone.
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