Why Should Full Contact Sport Players Choose Invisalign Braces Over Traditional Metal Braces?

8 May 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Teenagers tend to be the most common users of orthotic devices to correct the alignment of their teeth. Of course, it's also while you're a teenager that you will most enjoy playing sports, including full contact sports. If this is the case, there are several problems that can be posed by wearing traditional fixed metal braces.

However, that doesn't mean that you have to choose between taking part in those sports and having nice straight teeth for the rest of your life. Luckily enough, invisalign braces help avoid the problems associated with traditional braces.

The difference between invisalign and traditional braces

The key difference between invisalign braces and traditional braces is that the former can be removed. Instead of being fixed to your teeth with metal supports, two moulded plastic inserts are placed over each row of teeth.

The fact that invisalign braces can be removed makes it easier to keep your teeth clean, and it's great for professionals who might want to remove theirs occasionally. However, that advantage is even more compelling if you play contact sports.

How do invisalign braces help sports players?

If you're going to be playing full contact sports, there are several advantages of being able to remove your braces. Perhaps the most important is being able to fit a mouth guard instead. It can be very hard to fit these over traditional braces since the metal supports are very tough to work around, but you really need to have your mouth protected. After all, a bad knock can damage or even knock out teeth. With invisalign, you can slip your braces out and then use a mouth guard for the duration of the game.

Invisalign braces can also be advantageous during training sessions. Full contact sports typically involve a lot of strenuous exercise, and it can be quite hard to keep breathing properly when you're wearing braces.

How can invisalign braces prevent damage?

Even if you keep your invisalign braces in, you'll feel more confident playing full contact sports than you would if you were wearing traditional metal braces.

Those traditional braces are designed to be pretty tough, and you're unlikely to break them during everyday life. However, you're naturally more likely to receive impacts around the mouth when you play contact sports. That could certainly damage traditional braces, which usually results in the need for expensive repairs. Even worse, your gums could be cut by broken metal supports, and your teeth could be pushed out of alignment if even a small bump alters the alignment of the braces themselves. 

Talk to your dentist for more direction.